Friday, January 11, 2008

They Stealth-Fixed Feed Pet!

OK, sometime after patch 2.3 (and maybe 2.3 itself) those bastards at Blizzard quietly "broke" the feed pet effect. Pets would revert to hungry all the way from well-fed constantly. I used to be able to grind for days on a single stack of 20 vendor meat, but then after the patch it was literally a struggle to survive a raid with 2 stacks. Pet food at level 70 adds up. No way I could grind over 100 pieces of meat just for my pet in a week and the vendor meat goes for 50s a 5-stack. I know, what's 20-30 gold a week in the grand scheme of things?

Dude, that's the same bullshit kind of argument the cable company tosses at me when they try to raise my bill by offering me more useless services.

At first, the change was so hard to notice that a lot huntards missed it, but the serious players and long-time hunters all noticed. Some of us complained, but I never saw Blizzard acknowledge it. -- That's not to say they didn't, I just never found mention. -- Well, it wasn't in the patch-notes but Tuesday's mini-patch fixed the problem. Sigh, at least that's over!

Also, I think the 2.3 macro "shot-clipping" problem has been fixed too. Thank goodness for that. It too was a pain in the ass. When it happened, someone on the forums (not a hunter) actually suggested that it was the trade-off for the removal of the min-range.

And that's like the insurance company telling me I can't get my prescription that works because they would prefer my doctor use another drug, but then call it a "feature" of the plan.


Malsorian said...

I've referenced your blog in mine.

Good job. I like yours.

Anonymous said...

Blizz also reverted the Volley graphic to its old "Arrows from the Sky",not the pseudo-sexual weirdness we were given a while back.Math also mentioned the flare CD/duration has been reverted so that the flares duration is shorter than the CD.

And i agree with Mal,well done =)