Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to avoid that not so fresh feeling...

So, like other obsessed WoW players, I'm online a lot. And yet, I'm not. Compared to the other hunters in my guild, I'm really a slacker. I don't PvP, I don't PUG and I'm not farming for supplies at 2AM. I "unplug" and go outside. I like to *gasp* read.

And no, I can't decide if this is a good or bad thing...

In addition, I have a nasty habit of focusing on my friends first. If they need a piece of equipment, I stop my grind and go farm them mats or organize a heroic run for them. I've given friends gold for their alt-mounts or a re-spec because they mention that they are short. I actually had a friend tell me to stop doing this so much. He said, "It's time to start focusing on Beroth!" And with good reason, I'm still not flying an epic mount.

Again...good, bad?!? I'm the guy with the gun...

So, for the last 2 weeks, I've been farming and doing dailies non-stop. I've been hitting quests that I never got around to. I even PUG'ed for a few stupid Badges. And it's paid off! I finished off my Skyguard rep for one trinket, I'm 6 badges from the other trinket & I've cleared nearly 2k gold in the month of January. I'm over 3100!

Actually, I was over 3400 gold right before last night's shoulder drop. Then I had to re-gem a bunch of things... Sigh!

So, today rolled around and I felt overwhelmingly burned out by it all. I just want to fly fast. My whole crew flies fast. The other day we were clearing a bunch of group quests and they kept saying "Hurry up Beroth, we started the pull." They weren't being dicks, they just simply forgot how slow regular flight is.

Why am I telling you all this? Not for the rant, but for the warning. WoW is a game. Every time I fret and re-gem because another hunter cleared 50 dps more than me OR I over-farm because I'm soooo close to epic flight, I actually make things worse. I run the risk of not having fun. I run the risk of complete burn-out. What to do? How do I avoid burn-out? How do you?

You do what I'm about to do after finishing this post: Take a break! Watch a DvD. Read a book. If it's got to be WoW, play an alt. Do something that doesn't involve your raider and your obsessive quest for more content, faster flight or phat lootz. Yes, it might mean that some other hunter will out-pace you. If you're in a good guild, it won't matter.

OK, enough chit-chat. Time to read some more Marvel Online! I'll fly fast when I fly fast.

P.S. Marvel Online digital comics is awesome. It allows me to get a comicbook fix without spending more money. Is it perfect? No. But it's got enough to read that I'm ecstatics. I got my year-long subscription for Christmas, but I'd pay for it myself. It's worth it!

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