Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Server Maintenance or Why I hate Tuesdays

This post has no redeeming value at all. Read at your own risk.

OK, a little setup first. In RL I'm at home most of the time. (Reasons for this are too long to get into and generally inconsequentially to this rant.) In spite of constant access to my computer, I do not wake up dying to play WoW. Sure, I love it. Sure, I play a lot of it. But, most days of the week I wake up focused on the other stuff...

We interrupt this post to bring you a commentary on last week's Instance episode (which I'm listening to right now on my iPod)

Randy Delux commented that Hunters are one of the harder classes to level 63-70 because everything is a "tank-n-spank." Listen people, if you're doing it right, Hunter is the easiest class to grind in the entire game. Yes, it's a "tank-n-spank," but if you've been playing your hunter correctly since level 10, it's always been a "tank-n-spank." It doesn't matter which talent spec you've chosen. Send pet in, kill it...rinse & repeat. Easy mode. Anyone who is having trouble leveling a hunter should just stop playing the game.


We now return you to the originally started rant, already in progress...
Note: I had this urge to pick this up mid-post like it was running real-time when I did the mini-rant.

...except on Tuesdays. For whatever reason, my internal "WoW-Clock" drives me with great urgency to play WoW on Tuesdays during the day. This would be fine except for server maintenance. Now, Blizzard has been doing a great job of keeping Tuesday maintenance to a minimum, but as luck would have it everything is down today.

Do I plan ahead? Do I say, I'm going to WoW on Mondays and get my stuff done on Tuesdays? No! I get my stuff done on Mondays & salivate for WoW on Tuesdays. Anyway, that's why I hate Tuesdays. I really need to schedule my week better.

OK, stupid rant is over.
I'll post something useful or fun next time I promise.


Anonymous said...

Is this Math? =)

LRNs said...

Careful P,

My next post could be titled "My Class Rep is a Jerk"