Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Winning Always Makes It Better

I'm a basketball fan. I have been since my father would take me on the Broad Street Subway to the old Spectrum to see Dr J battle the likes of Magic Johnson & Larry Bird. (Yes, I'm that old.)

When Allen Iverson was with the Sixers there was always controversy, except when they were winning. Ah, when A.I. & the Sixers won together, there was no talk about practice,...

"PRACTICE!?! We're talkin' about practice?"

...there were no discussions about Larry Brown not liking A.I., and nobody cared if one of his so-called friends borrowed the Bentley and got caught with drugs. The simple life lesson I learned here is that winning always makes it better!

Tonight, there were no frustrated players. Why? We 1-shot Leo, 2-shot Karathress and got Lady Vashj to phase 3. That's right, we didn't get her down, but we got over the major hump. We saw the 3rd phase and we saw what we need to do to go the distance.

Any frustrations that anyone had last week about sign-ups or recruiting were gone tonight because we kicked ass and took names.

Leadership even discussed forgoing TK pulls this week so we could pound on Vashj some more. Nobody complained. Everyone is hungry for her blood. Tonights raid had the same feeling and electricity that we had just before we dropped Void Reaver & Tidewalker. On both bosses, we turned a corner and then suddenly -- almost unexpectedly -- succeeded. I felt that way on our second pull. The corner was turned. I suddenly knew how to increase my dps. I suddenly saw less adds appearing. All 4 cores were used. Yes, we promptly wiped, but that's not the point!

We can do it. We've got the muscle. We've got the teamwork. The when may still be in question, but I believe now.

Who knows, maybe Friday will be the day!

1 comment:

Avouz said...

It must have been my presence. QSS should bring me along more often. ;-)