Sunday, February 10, 2008

Grin and Bear It

As previously mentioned, my collection of WoW-playing RL friends rolled up some Alts recently. We're hitting old instances together and it's been a complete blast. On Saturday, we did Scarlet Monastery twice to accommodate everyone. Both pulls were done AE and both were complete clears in about 2 hours each. It was, to say the least, a blast. One of the best parts was being able to group with our friend living over-seas. (Thus the reason for the second "late night" run.)

Each of us is trying something new. Each of us is "stretching" a little in our new roles. My wife -- a full-time raid healer -- is playing a frost mage. I'm bear tanking.

For a long time, we've had tank issues. Various members of our group have been "stuck" doing it. Heck, I remember in PBC, I would often pet-tank several instances. It was never pretty, but we often got the job done.

Since, Scarlet Monastery is my first real tanking experience, I thought I would talk about the trip. First off, as a beastmaster hunter I know a little more about tanking than the average ranged player. Which is to say, I don't know much. BUT, I do farm leather by letting my pet collect 2-4 mobs at once and then taking them down one-by-one.

Here's what I've learned from my experience.

1) Swipe is your best friend. It seems like whole pulls can be done with just using swipe. During AoE pulls, I discovered that shifting my position and tabbing through the targets, allows me to put swipes on more than 3 mobs. It's not full-proof, but it helps.

2) Using Growl too soon or on the wrong mob doesn't do shit. Target of target is a lifeline. In a group, it's good to have party target frames to help find the mob that pulled off.

3) You can't keep all the mobs in a 4-6 mob AoE pull. The trick seems to be to keep as many as you can, and do your best to grab back 1 or 2 when they start beating on the mages. Eventually, a mage or warlock will die. Oh well! As long as it wasn't the healer and the party didn't wipe, it was probably still a good pull.

4) Thanks to Karthis, I've learned when/how to use charge. I was charging to open pulls when I first started. Reading his post recently, I saved it to grab the stray spellcasters OR save my healer.

Anyway, I'm interested to see what future levels hold. Deep down, I'm still a hunter. Still, it's a great change of pace. I can't imagine ever switching to druid, but who knows.


Anonymous said...

My highest level alt is a bear tank (level 65). They are tons of fun. And when you are leveling, kitty form DPS FTW!

Your buddy Karthis' blog is probably my number one source for bear tanking info.

Anonymous said...

#showtooltip Swipe
/cast [target=mouseover] Swipe

LRNs said...

Hey thanks Stupid!

I'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

So, you say bears can't drink potions. Guess again. I think this is the way it goes.

/use 'name of health potion here'
/cast Dire Bear Form

Optionally, you can put in.
/use 'name of healthstone'

I believe you can have both the /use commands in there. I've never tried it myself.

It will wipe your rage so it is sort of an 'oh sh!t' type of macro.
Only once have I been caught in a stun while out of bear form. Most people don't even see the shift. I just blink for a split second.